Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Four Roses

Okay, so I've finally done it! We've completed our short film, it is 5 minutes long, and is a creative documentary. That being said, it clearly defines some history behind the location, the Rufus Rose House, but takes some artistic liberty with telling parts of the story. It should be clear what liberties have been taken.

However, for the most part, everything here is either based on Fact, or personal observation from Ghost Hunts I've done at the House. I hope you guys enjoy!

Four Roses

So now you ask, whats next? Well, I've got to get the comic updated this month, we are a bit behind. I'm also returning to work on my novel, and hopefully, I am begginning planning on a modification to the game Civilization IV, based upon my Fictional Setting.

So, stay tuned!

Please, check out the Film! Click above!

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